The Last Time Page 2
“Do you drink?” He asked his voice velvety smooth, and very sexy.
“Not much,” she said softly her eyes straying to his mouth. Cordell noticed and smiled, yes, she is delightful.
“Care for something?” He asked.
“Wine would be nice,” she stated.
Cordell motioned for the waitress.
She came over. “Do you have a wine list?” Cordell asked.
The young girl nodded, “I’ll get it.”
Lynn looked over at him and smiled, his eyes met hers.
“What?” He inquired.
“Nothing,” she said softly, shaking her head, before she lowered it.
Cordell leaned closer and lifted her chin with a long manicured finger.
Lynn gazed at him, her mouth parted. “What?” He said in a low, soft voice.
“You asked for a wine list,” she replied.
He chuckled. “And?” He insisted.
Her head lowered, he raised it. Lynn lost herself in the depth of his dark eyes. She bit her lower lips. Cordell found the habit extremely sexy and flattered that she was nervous.
“It’s just…, I’m impressed,” Lynn said shyly.
Cordell smiled, thinking how he wanted to kiss that sexy mouth of hers.
The server returned with the list, handing it to him.
He read down the list. Lynn watched him. Al watched them. Cordell glanced over at her.
“Red, Rose’ or Blanc?” He asked.
“I prefer a Rose’; a semi dry.”
Cordell nodded and returned to the list.
He gave the order adding a Heineken.
“So Lynn,” Al said, “Did you like the game?”
“Very much,” Lynn said to Al.
“I saw you; you got a little excited there in the end.” Al said laughing.
Lynn felt her cheeks grow hot. “I’m not talking Al,” she said and smiled at him.
Al laughed harder.
“She always says that when she embarrassed,” Al informed Cordell, who was watching her. Cordell smiled. Al looked at Cordell; he's never seen him smile this much in the past. He liked Lynn.
“Hungry?” Cordell asked, his arm now resting behind her on the back of the chair.
“No thank you,” she replied.
“You don't eat seafood?” He asked.
“Yes, clams, crab, some fish,” Lynn said.
“Come on, have something, the shrimp is really good here.”
“Okay, I have steamers please; littlenecks.”
The server returned with their drinks, and Cordell gave her their order.
“We’ll have two dozen littleneck steamer, and spicy shrimp,” he gave the order to the waitress.
Cordell looked at Al and discreetly tilted his head. Al leaned to his date and said something to her. They both rose and moved to another table.
Lynn looked over at Cordell.
“Did you make him leave?” She asked.
Cordell nodded. Lynn laughed.
“You know what I have yet to hear you say my name,” he said to her.
Lynn smiled, “But I did say your name,” Lynn stated.
Cordell frowned. “When?"
“At the stadium.”
“You did?” He asked, “Say it again?”
“Mr. Jackson,” Lynn said and smiled.
Cordell laughed. “So you did.”
“Well, Ms Smith, how long are we going to be this formal?”
“Lynn,” she said smiling.
“Cordell,” he said smiling back at her.
Lynn lifted her wine and sipped it. “Mm..., this is good,” she said.
“You like it?”
“Very much, what is it?”
“Rose’, wine from Portugal.” Cordell drank from the beer bottle.
“Tell me Lynn, what do you like?”
Lynn shrugged. “Dancing is my passion,” she stated.
“Yes, I use to own a studio,” she said a little sadly.
“What happened?”
“Long story, lets just say I had to take a little sabbatical.”
“Do you still dance?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop, I just do it for my own enjoyment now,” she replied lowering her head.
Cordell noticed the sadness in her eyes and changed the subject.
“Well what do you like to do?”
She looked at him. “You know, Cordell it’s been so long since I’ve done anything, I’m not sure what I like anymore,” she stated honestly.
Cordell frowned, yet he was intrigued.
“I don’t go out much.”
“I don’t know, I guess I’ve been alone so long, I’m just used to it, actually this is the first for me, and I mean coming out alone.”
“I’m glad you came to the game,” Cordell said seriously.
Lynn smiled at him. I like him, she thought looking at him.
The server came with their food. Lynn bowed her head and blessed the food. Cordell watched her.
Oh yes, he liked her.
“Are you married?”
“Soon to be.”
“Really, how long?” Lynn asked, putting a clam in her mouth.
“About a year now.”
“Twenty years.”
“Never remarried?”
“I guess I’m a little gun-shy about marriage. I did date a little, never seem to work out.”
“How do you feel about dating now?” Cordell inquired, needing to know if he had a chance with her.
“I’m not sure. I don’t seem to attract the qualities I want, so I just stopped trying,” she state honestly.
“Maybe you and your wife will work things out,” she said ashamed to admit, she hoped they didn’t.
“I doubt it; the divorce will be final in a few months anyway.”
“Do you still love her?” Lynn asked.
“I don't think there was ever love in our relationship. Somewhere things changed,” he replied sadly.
Lynn understood. The same thing happened to her marriage those many years ago.
She changed the subject. They talked about their children, his careers as a pro football player and engineer for the city of Camden. He lives in Voorhees, Lynn knew of the pleasant suburban town of the wealthy residence. They laughed and could talk about most things. A few of his team members came to their table, Cordell proudly introduced her to his friends.
Lynn was genuinely enjoying herself, and thought she could talk to him for hours. He was intelligent, funny, and just a little arrogant. Most of the party had left, and it was getting late, the restaurant was preparing to close for the night. Lynn didn’t realize how fast the time had passed.
Cordell and Lynn stood at her car.
“Will you be okay driving home?” Cordell asked.
She nodded. “Vineland’s not far, I’ll be okay.”
“Can I call you?” He asked.
“Yes,” Lynn said and gave him her number; he entered in his cell phone.
She smiled up at him. “I had a nice time, I’m glad I came.”
“Me too, I’ll call you in about forty-five minutes,” he said.
Lynn nodded, and turned to unlock the door to her car. Cordell reached around her and opened the door. Lynn looked up at him, his face close to hers. His lips lightly touched her, in a quick kiss, and then he raised his head looking at her. Her eyes were closed; she pulled her lower lip in her mouth savoring his taste. He watched her thinking damn she was so sexy. Her eyes opened, her gaze held his. One glance was all it took for him to take her lips again. Her eyes closed as his lips pressed on hers; she sank into him without hesitation, her head tilted back. She rose on her toes, her hand holding on the front of his shirt in fists. Her mouth parted, feeling her sweet breath on his lips. Cordell couldn’t resist, he let his tongue glide passed her lips, she sighed, her tongue meeting his. Cordell lifted hi
s head, his face still close to her, feeling the power that was coursing through his body. He heard her moan. When she realized she made the sound she stepped back, stunned herself.
Cordell smiled. Lynn bit her lip.
“Did you like that?” He asked a smile playing on his mouth.
She smiled at him. “I’m not talking,” she said and slid into her car. She rolled her window down. Cordell leaned in the window.
“Forty-five minutes,” he said and kissed her again. This time Lynn mouth opened accepting his tongue, hers merging with his. Cordell lifted his head and gazed at her at her stunned.
“Goodnight,” she said a small-satisfied smile on her mouth.
“Yeah, good night,” Cordell said still dazed.
She rolled up her window and pulled off.
Chapter Two
Lynn lay across her bed, thinking about Cordell. She purposely avoided his calls all week. Al badgered her at work, wanting to know what she thought of Cordell. It was starting to get on her nerves, because she wasn't sure herself how she felt. She thought about him every day since meeting him. She felt things too early for him. It has only been a week for goodness sake. She no longer believed in fate. Fate brought her three bums including her husband. She was too old for another broken heart, she wasn’t sure if she could bounce back this time, and she certainly didn’t want to become an embittered man-bashing senior citizen. Damn it why did she go to that game?
Cordell called every day, leaving messages for her to return his calls. Now, that she was alone, she could be honest with her thoughts. He did call that night make sure she had gotten home safely, and they talked until the sun peeked through her blinds. Still she had misgivings about him. She wasn’t sure, if she liked him, because she was lonely, or because he was a charming guy. Be real girl, after eight years of celibacy, you are just horny and he looked as if he could throw down with the best of them. Lynn groaned and threw herself on the bed with her face pressed into the duvet. They are always nice in the beginning, she told herself. If she trusted, her judgment when it came to men the decision would be easy. However, she didn’t trust her judgment of men and there lies the problem. He had all the qualities she liked, unlike her past relationships. She liked the way he kissed and couldn't forget the spark that shot right through her when she looked into his eyes. Still, she couldn’t trust that either, even if it was a first for her. Lynn felt a tingle deep in her stomach, and she sighed, she sat up and crossed her legs in Indian fashion, holding her face in her hands. She just wasn’t sure if she should see him again.
No, she decided she couldn’t. Her phone rang. She glanced the caller ID; it was Cordell. She stared at the phone. Lynn realized she was scared. She jumped up quickly from the bed and put on some dancewear. She would dance until she was exhausted; dancing always made her feel better.
A couple of hours later her phone rang again, it was Cordell, and she ignored it. Turning down her music, she listened to his message.
“Lynn I want to see you again, for some reason I think your home, and avoiding my calls. Let’s talk,” he said, giving his number. “Please baby, call me."
Lynn dropped her head and exhaled. Why was she afraid? Lifting the phone, and dialed his number.
“Hello, Lynn,” Cordell said.
“Hi,” she answered softly.
“Were you home, all the time?” He asked.
“Why didn’t you answer?”
Lynn sighed. “I’m scared.”
“I don’t trust myself.”
“Cordell,” she said softly.
“Can you come to me?”
“Is that’s what you want?”
“Okay, where do you live?”
Lynn gave him the address.
“See you in an hour,” Cordell said and hung up the phone.
Lynn hoped she wasn’t making another mistake. She was going to follow her heart, and give her head a rest. She wanted to see him, and if things turn out as they always did, this would be the last time.
Lynn took a shower and sprayed her favorite light body fragrance on her, changed into a multicolored caftan she usually wore around the house. She brushed her hair back in a neat style. She didn’t put on any make up, wanting him to see her how she was at home. She looked into her refrigerator; she had nothing to offer him to drink. Now she regretted asking him to come over. She had to call him and tell him, she has changed her mind. She went to the phone in her bedroom. Too late, he was pulling in front of her loft. Her heart hammered so loudly in her chest, that’s all she could hear it. She watched him get out of his car and heard the door downstairs open and close. She shook her hands, taking a deep breath.
Lynn went to the door, pulling it open, and stood at the top of the stairs watching him climb the stairs.
He looked so good, she thought, and hoped she wasn’t making another mistake.
She bit her lip nervously.
“Hi” she said softly, “Come in,” she invited. Cordell walked passed her into the loft.
“Nice,” he said his eyes surveying his surroundings.
Lynn closed the door and leaned against it. Cordell turned to her and frowned. He didn't miss the tears shimmering in her beautiful eyes.
“What's wrong?” He asked.
Lynn’s head lowered. “I like you,” she stated simply dropping her head.
Cordell walked to her, standing in front of her, he lifted her head.
The tears that hovered fell, rolling slowly from her eyes.
“Is that bad?” He asked his thumbing wiping the tears from her face.
“I don’t know, Cordell,” she said and moved away from him. “I’m scared to feel like this, I’ve never in all my adult life felt this way about anyone before after just a week of knowing them, and I’m afraid if I let myself like you, I’ll get hurt; but you're different, and every thing I’ve prayed for in a man, smart, classy, handsome, considerate, funny.” Lynn started pacing. “I don’t know, I don’t know. Can I let myself be happy in this feeling, it scares me.” She paused, “I really don’t know you at all.”
Cordell smiled. He felt the same way; she was everything he wanted also.
Lynn watched his reaction. He was smiling, did that mean something she thought.
He went to her, and pulled her in his arms, her hands pressed against his chest, she looked up at him.
“I feel the same way,” he said softly.
“Scared?” She repeated.
“Maybe a little, but I want, no, I need to be with you, get to know you. For some insane reason pretty lady, I couldn’t forget you. That never happened, not even with my soon to be ex wife, and I married her.”
Lynn frowned. “Really?”
He nodded.
“Can I kiss you?”
Lynn nodded.
Lynn rose on her toes, her arms slipped around his neck, when his lips touched hers. Lynn sighed and fell into his kiss, his mouth coaxing her pulling her into a hay erotic fog. Cordell arms tightened around her waist lifting her from her feet, without breaking the passionate kiss, she just sighed and let him have his way. Lynn pulled her mouth from his, looking in his eyes.
“I’m not heavy?” She asked against his mouth.
He shook his head. “I want you Lynn, I know we just met, but I want you like I’ve never wanted any women in my life.”
Lynn kissed him. “Me too, “she said and bit her lip.
Cordell swung her legs over his arms, and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, joining her. He leaned over her gazing at her face.
“If you don’t want this, we don’t have to, I will never pressure you."
Lynn responded by pulling his head to her, and she kissed him with a passion, she thought she had lost in her avowed celibacy. His hands moved down to her breast and discovered her bare. Cordell raised his head, and looked at her, understanding in his e
yes. He kissed her again, this time with unbridled passion. Lynn moaned in her throat, her hands falling to his broad shoulders.
His hand moved lower, until it was under her caftan. His hand was gentle on her warm skin. He lifted his head; he licked his lips, and watched her, as his hand moved up her thigh until it rested between her legs. His eyes widened. Her panties were soaked with desire. Lynn sighed and briefly closed her eyes.
“You want me?” He said softly amazed.
Her eyes opened returning his dreamy gaze. “Yes, I’ve thought of nothing else, I tried to avoid you, but I can’t Cordell, I want you, and if what I’m feeling is wrong, then let me be wrong, yes I want you,” she whispered, her eyes closed slowly when he touched her. While she spoke, Cordell’s hand rubbed her tantalizingly. She moved against his hand hesitantly at first, then a bolder when he slipped his finger in her. Lynn moaned.
Her eyes opened. “I haven’t done this in a long time, I didn’t realize I wanted it until I met you,” she admitted softly.
Cordell rose from the bed removing his shirt. He went to the living room and turned off the lights. Then he went to her window lowering the blinds. Lynn watched him, the muscle in his body rippling as he moved. He was in such excellent physical condition for a man of fifty, and she loved a hard fit body, it turned her on even more. When he returned to the bed, Lynn sat up pulling the caftan over her head and lay down. Cordell eyes moved over her body, she was beautiful. He lay beside her, and instantly his mouth was on hers. He loved nothing more than a woman with a physical fit body and damn she smelled of what he imagined heaven would. Her hands held his head to her, her mouth open accepting his tongue, his hand gently cupped her breast filling his large hand. She pulled her mouth from him, taking a deep breath moaning softly. Cordell’s mouth closed on her nipple, she arched her back and sighed.
Lynn’s hands rubbed softly down his muscular arms, down to his chest, loving the feel of him under her hands. Cordell hand moved to her pleasure junction, gently opening her, and let his finger slip inside her hips lifted meeting him.
Cordell leaned up wanting to see the passion on her face, as she moved against his hand. She was exquisite, her face glowing with passion. Her eyes opened, when his hard manhood on her hip felt.
Her lips on his neck, moving down to his chest, her hand moved between them, and she touched him. Cordell jerked, when her hand held him in her small hand, gently moving up and down on him. It was his turn to moan. Her hands were so gentle on him, and she had just the right pressure to make him feel good. Lynn watched his face, as his eyes closed, savoring the feel of her hands.